Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can you say ass-kicked?

As much as I have worked out the past few weeks at home - nothing compares to going to a physical gym.  I'm thinking it's because we tend to push more because we see others working out as well. Or at least I do.

To the right, you'll see yesterday's workout of the day (WOD) from (www.cavemanstrong.com) . A year ago - it would have been simple and I probably wouldn't have been sore.  However, I had a hard time with this WOD as it was my first day back.

It won't take me long to build back my muscle, power and flexibility as long as I keep working at it.   The front squat to the box - my max was 85lbs.  For the cashout - I didn't use any weight because my hips/legs are very tight and I had a hard time actually doing 15 full lunges to the ground.  Pullups - I used bands to help me - My time for the cashout was 11mins:24secs.