Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh how I love De-cluttering!

#31 on my list is to clear out my closet and donate clothes I don't wear anymore. I had a rule of thumb - if I didn't wear the piece of clothing in over a year - I put it in the donate pile. I must be honest I do this a couple times a year and don't understand how I accumulate so much stuff.

For those of you looking at the photos - do not judge me from my closet (haha, I really dislike putting clothes away - laundry is okay - but putting the clothes away - ugh). I'm also blaming it on the fact that I have a very small closet!
I decided to post the "during" photos as well - scary!

Before --------------------------- During -------------------------------- After

Clothes I'm donating!

I feel great that this is done! Now, it's to keep it like this. I should have put a timeline on my list -keep closet clean for 1 year! :)

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