Friday, January 8, 2010

Change of Plans?

Okay, I was just speaking to Cornwall Crossfit Owner - Tyler Touchette ( and I may have been a bit crazy with my #3 goal which is 100 pushups perfectly in a row... I know these goals shouldn't really change during the process - but it's my blog and my list so I'm going to tweak #3 a bit.

Instead of 100 pushups in a row - I'll change this to 100 pushups in total (not in a row) and I'll tack on a part b) to this and aim to be able to do 10 handstand pushups.

I'm not sure if this is better, but there it is :)


  1. You are my hero! Challenging but possible..

  2. I'm half way there - I can do handstand negatives, just can't push myself up yet!!!
